Concrete Maintenance

Concrete Polishing

Concrete Polishing is a very attractive and economical Indiana Floor Restoration option when considering flooring systems for your facility. Practically an unknown flooring option not long ago, our multi-step diamond-polishing technology now makes it possible to grind, hone and polish concrete surfaces to a mirror-like finish.

MIdwest Floor Restore offers Indiana Floor Restoration services for concrete maintenance image shows worn concrete floor
MIdwest Floor Restore assists in concrete maintenance with Indiana Floor Restoration services image shows shiny concrete floor


• Warehouse/Manufacturing Facilities
• Car dealerships
• Restaurants
• Retail


• Easy to Maintain
• Environment-Friendly Process
• Enhanced Durability
• Improved Aesthetics
• Great Slip Resistance
• Lower Maintenance Cost

Concrete Staining

Staining is a perfect option when you want to change the color of your concrete floor, but still, recognize the advantages of a polished concrete floor. This Indiana Floor Restoration service not only penetrates the surface but chemically bonds to the concrete as well. The stain contains UV stabilizers for long-lasting performance. Additionally, we have over fifteen different colors to choose from and can match most décor requirements. Get in touch with our team to learn more!

Stain your concrete floor with Indiana Floor Restoration services image shows stained concrete

Maintain your concrete floors the right way.